The Covid Vaccines are coming through gradually. The Pfizer Covid 19- Vaccine is arriving in Dunstable on a weekly basis with a fixed amount of vaccine received each week for use by all the practices in Dunstable. Eastgate Surgery are continuing to book our eligible patients aged over 75 years old into the Priory Health Centre for the vaccines.
Appointments will continue to be made by Eastgate Surgery for further eligible patients as soon as more vaccines are available and more appointments are available and along with Government guidelines.
We have details of all patients eligible in this current cohort and those eligible in subsequent cohorts and we will be contacting patients as soon as we are able to and sometimes at short notice (including contacting patients in the evening or weekend) to support them in getting their vaccination appointment.
Patients are monitored for 15 minutes after the vaccination to ensure they are well prior to leaving the vaccination site.
If you have any queries, please contact the Practice Manager at Eastgate Surgery.