Eastgate Surgery
Eastgate House
28-34 Church Street
Dunstable, Bedfordshire

Call: 01582 957 599

Do you know the signs of Cuckooing?

Criminals will take over the home of a vulnerable person in order to use it as a base for their criminal network.

Be alert to the signs, see the poster below for more information!

BAVEX cuckooing poster

You must always disclose your concerns if you believe an adult is being abused. To do nothing is not an option.

Speaking up can help that adult at risk get help as soon as possible.

To report your concerns to your local safeguarding team, please see below for the contact details:

Central Bedfordshire:

Phone: 0300 300 8122
Out of hours: 0300 300 8123
Website: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/18/health_and_social_care/335/protecting_vulnerable_adults_from_harm


Phone: 01582 547730 or 01583 547563
Website: https://m.luton.gov.uk/Page/Show/Health_and_social_care/safeguarding/safeguarding_adults/Pages/default.aspx

Milton Keynes:

Email: safeguardingadults@milton-keynes.gov.uk
Phone: 01908 252835
Out of hours: 01908 725005
Website: https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/adult-social-care/safeguarding-adults-and-children/worried-about-adult


Email: adult.protection@bedford.gov.uk
Phone: 01234 276222
Fax: 01234 276076
Website: https://www.bedford.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/adult-social-care/community-teams/bedford-borough-safeguarding-adults-team


Phone: 0800 137 915
Out of Hours: 0800 999 7677
Website: https://careadvice.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/protecting-people-at-risk-of-abuse/report-abuse-of-an-adult/