Today is Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day 2023 #MenYouAreNotAlone
Services that can help
Mankind provide information, support and signposting services to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband. This can range from physical violence or object throwing to abuse such as constant bullying or insults.
Telephone: 01823 334244 (helpline)
Bedfordshire Victim Care Services:
Bedfordshire Victim Care Services (BVCS) supports those affected by crime in Bedfordshire, putting victims at the heart of everything we do. BVCS offers free and confidential support to anyone affected by crime, whether it has been reported to the police or not. This includes victims themselves, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18 and members of staff where a business has been the subject of a crime.
Men’s Advice Line:
Men’s Advice Line is a team of friendly Advisors who will listen and believe you. Their team are available to offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information. The focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children) by providing confidential support.
GALOP have a team of professionals who support LGBT+ individuals who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence and/or domestic abuse, forced marriage, so called conversion therapies, honour based violence as well as other forms of abuse.